
2017 Western Open BC Cup

July 27, 2017 - 3:39 PM

As the Dunbar Summer Series caravan left Panorama en route to Kicking Horse Mountain Resort for the 8th Western Open BC Cup, the smoke-filled skies were daunting, to say the least. To hear that the Kamloops Marathon was canceled due to wildfires and refuge offered to those displaced from their homes, to say that we were “up against it” was an understatement. We kept our eye on the skies and tried to maintain hope that the event would go off as planned. As it so happened, luck was on our side – the smoke cleared just in time for the weekend’s events to get started.

The annual Psychosis Ride on Mt 7 started things off on Thursday – Dead Dog trail hosted 30 riders in 5 trucks, led by Chris Kovarik and Claire Buchar. Though it rained on our way up the hill, the sun came out to create perfect conditions. This tradition is a highlight on the Dunbar Summer Series circuit, without a doubt.

As race day rolled in, we were treated to clear skies and slight rain. We hoped the rain would extend further into the mountains to help alleviate the quickly spreading wildfires, but that was not to be. We were fortunate that there was not one visit to the hospital from the racers. We ran on time like every event that is part of the Dunbar Summer Series. But most of all, everyone got to experience the great vibe that these events exude, a family of racers and volunteers, hanging out in the pit tents, close to the action. With a bbq, gondola, finish, and coral all in the same area. It made for an epic event. 

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