Construction begins on Kicking Horse Mountain Resorts new Via Ferrata
On Tuesday, May 26 Prisme, a Quebec based company arrived on at Kicking Horse Mountain resort to get their first look Terminator Peak, the site where they will be installing the new Via Ferrata. Jorge was impressed with what he saw, grateful for the views he will have from his office for the next month and excited about this project. Later that week the Prisme team started hauling gear to the top of Terminator Peak and installing anchors so they could start scaling the rock. After 5 days of work, which was easier than they had anticipated they forecast that they will be ready to start installing the Iron Road by June 8th. In the mean time, the Via Ferrata guides are preparing behind the scenes by training and digging the excess snow off the route up to Terminator peak. They are anxiously awaiting to help take part in the installation of Golden’s newest and highest attraction!