
Hike, Bike, Travel - The Most Unforgettable Walk You’ll Do – In Golden, BC

April 14, 2016 - 5:39 PM

The town of Golden, British Columbia is ringed by three mountains ranges. In my experience where there are mountains there are usually great hikes and walks. And that is certainly true in Golden. But just outside of town there is a walk that’s a little more unusual than most – dare I even say unforgettable. For it is here that you can walk with wolves in the wild.

The Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre

Created in 1998 by Casey and Shelley Black, the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre is focused on educating the public about wolves. They are both passionate and outspoken on the topic of wildlife.

Their feelings about how the wolves have been mistreated by the government at all levels is laid bare. As Shelley says “We Treat Our Wolves Like Vermin Yet They Are A Keystone Species And Hold The Balance In Our Environment.” Fortunately the wolf centre is also a place of hope.

For every visitor – from schoolchild to octogenarian – will leave with an understanding of the critical role that wolves play. In their handouts and in discussion with the Blacks you’ll begin to understand why wolves are so important to the environment. Repeatedly our group is told that They Do Not Deserve The Bad Reputation They Have.

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