
Summer Kicks Off With Music Series

May 30, 2018 - 12:00 AM

Originally posted by BC Local News on May. 30, 2018

Each summer, bands play at Spirit Square for a free evening concert.

Summer is on the way, and each year in Golden, that means the Summer Kicks season is about to begin.

Kicking Horse Culture provides a free concert every Wednesday evening beginning in June. This year’s lineup brings some fresh new names to Golden, and a few returning artists to entertain the crowds weekly.

This year’s Summer Kicks takes off with Tiny Lights Redux, which invites some artists from the Tiny Lights festival in the central Kootenays to play at Spirit Square after the festival.

Kicking Horse Culture executive director Bill Usher puts a lot of thought into the musicians he brings to Golden for the Summer Kicks series, which takes place beginning in June, and comes to a close in August. He carefully selects musicians that touch on a handful of genres that he is sure the people of Golden will enjoy, and couples them with local acts to put on the best shows possible.

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