
Travel Tales of Life - Paragliding Golden – Sightseeing Takes Off

September 19, 2016 - 6:53 PM

No matter how old we get, there are some adventures we choose not to tell our Moms prior to completion. Paragliding Golden, British Columbia fell into that category. Not wanting to induce any ‘what-will-those-two-dream-up-next’ concerns, we kept the paragliding plan secret.

Truth be told, while still on the tandem paragliding flight we realized our Moms had no need for worry. In fact they would love the paragliding experience in Golden themselves!


Peaceful. The word kept leaping to my mind as our tandem paragliding pilots gently flew us over the western Canadian town of Golden.  The twisting waterways tickling the green forests below as though a giant artist had been painting a landscape.

The memory of the serenity of motor-less flight leaves me imagining myself as a giant bird. I wonder what the feathered fowl of the area think when they see these giant colourful paragliding cousins. Perhaps a bit of wing envy?

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