Full Schedule


Check out the schedule of great events and activities for Total Spoked Golden.  Event details will be updated once organisers have issued the full race and event details.

Date Organizer Event Details

June 16th &

June 17th

Golden 24

Join TransRockies Events for their annual Golden 24 endurance mountain bike event, featuring 10, 5 and 2 person team categories as well as a solo option for those who are up to the really big challenge.

Local entertainment, a food concession, beer garden and an expo featuring local vendors will create a festival atmosphere that will be enjoyed by spectators and participants alike.
For more information visit www.golden24.ca

July 20th to July 22nd



Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Western Open


Kicking Horse’s Bike Park will play host to the fastest downhill racers from Western Canada.  

Expect to see 260 - 290 racers attending.

The Western Open is part of the Alberta Race Series as well as the BC Cup Series.

The Western Open will also be the host of the 2018 BC Provincials.

Registration for the event will go live in Feb via www.ccnbikes.com

July 28th to July 30th

Singletrack 6

Singletrack 3

2018 marks the third year that Golden will host the TransRockies Singletrack 6. This is made even more special with the Singletrack 3 also being held in Golden for the first time.

Golden is a favorite place for Singletrack 6 riders and crew
alike. With incredible riding on beautifully constructed singletrack, Golden offers unmatched fun and variety. Golden will play host to the start and the first 3 stages.
For those wishing to experience the Singletrack 3, they can call
Golden home for the entire 3 days.

For more information visit www.singletrack6.com


Golden Cycling Club events 


Make sure you check out the fun races hosted by the Golden Cycling Club.  
These include:
  • Poker Rides
  • Enduro Races
  • Strava Challenges and more
  Kicking Horse Cup  
The Kicking Horse Cup 2018 is a 3 stage road race which includes an ITT Prologue, mass-start Kicking Horse Hill Climb and a tough Australian Pursuit Circuit Road Race.
For more information visit www.kickinghorsecup.com


With thanks to the Golden Cycling Club, without whose volunteer efforts and enthusiasm in trail building Golden would not be able to host such entertaining and valuable events. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member and volunteering for the Golden Cycling Club please visit www.goldencyclingclub.com . The GCC are actively supporting race events and are looking for race day volunteers.