
BC Mountain Guides

BC Mountain Guides can show you a better way to enjoy the mountains!

B.C.M.G. is s small guiding company based out of Golden BC offering climbing, backcountry skiing/boarding, hiking, and courses for beginners to experts. We also offer avalanche courses, ski camps, and custom trips. We are dedicated to working hard on the logistics and the planning part of any trip, so that our clients get full value for their money and most importantly: their time.

Once on our way into the hills, you can relax knowing you have hired a guide with the highest standard of safety, certification, and experience. We are members of the ACMG, IFMGA, and CAA Pro Members.

We believe in a small Guide-to-client ratio to provide the highest standard of learning and safety in the mountains. At B.C.M.G we are also looking to the route less traveled and summits less visited.

There are a lot of mountains out there, so if you need help thinking outside of the box or would like information on private guiding or courses, send us a message and get the conversation going for a better mountain experience.