Golden stories

An intro to Dirt Biking in Golden BC

Posted by
Colin Wallace

To most, dirt bikes are synonymous with super cross, arena cross, and big jumps; disciplines of the sport enjoyed by a fraction of highly skilled, super fit individuals. If you are like most people and have to go back to work on Monday without a tib/fib fracture, dirt biking needs to be a safe, family orientated activity that focuses on enjoying and exploring the backcountry around Golden, and not Nitro Circus stunts. As the popularity of trail riding increases, so does the infrastructure required to facilitate families coming to town with campers, kids and dirt bikes. Golden is experiencing growth in recreational dirt biking in recent years and is currently organizing a formal club to handle the growing pains of the new infrastructural requirements needed to create order within the construction of new trails. A board of directors has been formed and tasks are being handed out; proposed dirt bike trails are being mapped, funding is being secured, and contractors to construct the trails are being organized. This time next year, a clear plan for sustainable, well-built trails will be in full swing with construction proposed to start as soon as funding comes through.

Currently there are no dirt bike specific trails in Golden, but there is a network of multiuse trails known as the Mountain Shadows Trails located at the base of Mount 7. It is recommended to run a trials tire when riding these trails and keep in mind there is heavy traffic from the mountain bike and trail running communities, please ride with caution and exercise courtesy when encountering other users. There is also a small track with a few jumps and berms at the base of Mount 7; it does not see regular maintenance but is a recognised dirt bike area thanks to the volunteer work of the Golden Snowmobile Club and Mountain Motorsports. One of the most picturesque rides in Golden is up to the paragliding take off on the top of Mount 7; it can be reached by riding up the forest service road that starts at the rodeo grounds or there is an old jeep trail that twists its way up; but it can be difficult to find if you are not familiar with the area. Once at the top, riders are rewarded with a 360 degree view of the peaks surrounding Golden from the Rockies towards Lake Louise, the Parcells towards Radium, and a great view towards Kinbasket Lake. Unless you have an unbeaten win/loss record in wrestling momma bears protecting their cubs, it is recommended to inform yourself on bear safety as Mt. 7 is home to quite a few.

Golden has one dealer specializing in dirt bike sales, parts and service and is open Tuesday-Saturday from 9-5. Mountain Motorsports is a locally owned and operated business capable of obtaining parts and servicing any make and model of bike with a knowledgeable sales staff and competent service department. They are also a VP Fuels dealer for those of you running high test fuel. There is a Chevron up on the trans-Canada selling 94 octane fuel and everywhere else in town sells 91. 

If you would rather enjoy the outdoors over indoor accommodations, Golden has many options for camping with sites available to accommodate everything from RV’s to tents; check out the ‘Where To Stay’ button at the top of this page for more info. Dirt biking is starting to gain popularity as a family activity with bikes ranging in size and power to fit any budget, age, or ability level and Golden is moving forward to welcome families looking for a casual weekend getaway and will also entertain the more advanced riders as well. Stay tuned for more info on trail building from the newly minted Dirt Bike Club this summer, and other areas to ride in future blog posts.