Golden stories

7 Nights Under the Stars

Posted by
Colin Wallace

The idea of camping during the week while I was working came from…….well…..why not? The idea of camping in seven different spots in seven consecutive days around Golden came from….well….why not? With a little prep it’s no hassle at all, and I tried to keep all the spots within a half hour from town, this kept me close to all of the activities and amenities in Golden.  I chose to sleep under the stars every night because I personally think tents are more of a hassle than they are worth (I packed a big tarp in case the sky opened up), but you can cart a tent or your 70 foot travel trailer around if that makes your hair fly back. Here are a few reasons not to sleep under a roof everyday this summer and spend a few extra nights outside around Golden.

  • Camp cooking keeps food creative.
  • A good sleeping bag is just as cozy as a duvet.
  • The dog is definitely going to enjoy it.
  • You can still get work done (I wrote this around the campfire)
  • Detach yourself from the internet, phone, concrete, and buildings.
  • Neature. How neat is nature?
  • No living happens in the living room.

If you’re new to the car camping scene, here’s a quick list of items you’re going to need. If you’re scatterbrained like me may I suggest keeping camping gear in Rubbermaid containers? Consolidation makes sense; just grab the ones marked “camping” and forget about it.

  • Coleman stove. (The design hasn’t changed since shortly after the earth cooled; it works flawlessly and is reliable). Don’t forget to pick up some propane for your stove.
  • Propane for your stove
  • Did I mention propane for your stove
  • Blue water jug: Standard procedure, these things also haven’t changed since Christ was a cowboy for a good reason. You can even replace the spout/valve combo thingy for about 4 bucks after you drop it and bust it off.
  • Warm sleeping bag. It may be 30 degrees in the day but it cools off at night.
  • Sleeping matt.
  • Rubbermaid box for carrying pots, pans, tools, cutlery, propane, cleaning supplies, ect.
  • Fire supplies: You’re going to need an axe, chainsaw or hand saw, and matches or lighters. This can be a test of patience, skill, and personal fortitude; the one match fire consists of paper or cardboard, dry kindling, medium logs, big logs, and proper stacking of all the ingredients.

Get out of the city sooner and pick up supplies in Golden; if you can’t get it in Golden it’s because you don’t need it. There are two hardware stores stocked with everything you need for fishing, hunting, and camping; like those blue water jugs and the parts to fix it after you drop it. Not to mention propane for your camp stove. Both of Golden’s grocery stores will have all the ingredients for smores along with everything else you need to survive the weekend away from home, and the restaurants will let you order to go if you’re not the camp site cooking type.

There are lots of provincial rec sites close available close to Golden and is a great way to find them, but my favorite resource is The Backroads mapbook; it doesn’t require an internet connection. Rec sites do not have hook ups or firewood, but most are maintained. The municipal campgrounds right in Golden will keep you close to amenities, will accommodate any size RV big or small, and offer full hookups. Staying at the municipal campsites will allow you to enjoy shopping and the other amenities in town during the day and an evening of restaurants and pubs.

Whether you are packing the camper and bringing the boat or just throwing a few things into the trunk of the car, camping around Golden can accommodate everyone. From full service campgrounds to bare bones rec sites, click the Where To Stay icon at the top of the page for a full list of outside accommodations in and around Golden.