
Kicking Horse Canyon Project Phase 4

The Trans-Canada Highway through the Kicking Horse Canyon is both spectacular and challenging. Since 2003, much of the 26-kilometre stretch between Yoho National Park and Golden has been improved to a modern 4-lane standard. Only 5 kilometres of winding 1950's-era 2-lane highway remain and work began spring 2021 to complete the transformation.


An informative calendar of all up to date road closures and construction delays can be found at

To minimize construction traffic impacts in peak periods, night work will be emphasized as much as possible. Outside of the extended closure periods, there may be closures of up to 9 hours overnight (10 pm to 7 am).  There will be no daytime interruptions during the peak dates of summer and winter. Extended closures have significant advance notice. 

As a rule of thumb, the contractor will be required to abide by the following during the course of the project from Winter 2020/21 through to Winter 2023/24:

Spring 2023

  • From April 1 to 6 2023 the highway will be open daily from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm with occasional stoppages of up to 30 minutes during the day.
  • From 12:00 pm (Noon) on Thursday, April 6 until 12:00 pm (noon) on Tuesday, April 11 the highway will be open 24 hours a day with no stoppages.
  • From 12:00 pm (noon) on Tuesday, April 11 until 12:00 am (midnight) on Sunday, April 16 the highway will be closed through the kicking Horse Canyon.  During this closure, the Highways 93 and 95 alternate route will provide safe and easy access to Golden.
  • From 12:00am (midnight) on Sunday, April 16 until April 30, the highway will close on Sunday through Friday evenings from 10:00 pm until 7:00 am but will remain open overnight on Saturdays. 

Visit the Highway Status Calendar and DriveBC for more detailed closures.

Summer 2023

  • No daytime stoppages except for the occasional short delay to move equipment.
  • Any overnight closures will be confirmed and posted by the end of April 2023 visit the Highway Status Calendar to get the most up-to-date information. 
  • The highway will be kept open 24 hours a day during all long weekends. 

At all times, the scenic combination of Highways 93 and 95 will provide a safe and easy alternative route to the Golden area. Plan for slightly more than an hour additional direct travel time, but there's lots of stunning scenery and experiences along the way so you may want to plan more time. 

To make the most of your road trip to Golden and beyond into BC visit and for ideas on places to visit and fun things to do on the journey.

Find detailed information about the Kicking Horse Canyon Project at, and visit for road conditions when planning your trip.  An informative calendar of all up to date road closures can be found at 

Watch this recording of the public information session held on August 25, 2021 for more project information.