Golden stories

Preparing for Singletrack 6 - Enduro Racing, Resting…

Posted by
Shane Kroeger

This last week, I shifted gears back to Enduro racing, with the BC Enduro Series coming back to Golden.   A week of heavy rain made for challenging conditions to get out and pre ride the stages.   An epic day of racing was planned with the classic alpine ride from T4 down LSD to Canyon Creek.  Unfortunately, the rain never let up, and the alternative racecourse had to be used to preserve the sensitive trails on the original route.    Despite the change in plans, it was still a great day of racing up at the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.  I was happy with my day finishing up 1st place in the Masters 40+ category.

Now, four days out from the start of Single Track 6, I am onto the resting stage of my preparation.   This week, I will try to maintain my fitness with short easy rides with no big efforts.  A big component of this week will be concentrating on good sleep, and eating well, so I go into the race well rested. 

Bike and gear preparation will also be a big part of the last few days before the race.    A last minute change in bikes this week will require me to spend some time tweaking and getting used to my new set up.   The Santa Cruz Tall Boy will be my race bike for the Singletrack 6.    Time to put on the skinny tires and go for a rip!