Mt.Revelstoke National Park

Mount Revelstoke National Park 的特色是巨大的对比,从郁郁葱葱的热带雨林和千年古树到雄伟的山峰,并以夏天在 Mount Revelstoke(雷夫尔斯托克山)山顶上的野花展览而闻名。每年八月中旬,上亚高山地区的草甸都会绽放出绚丽的色彩。正是这些草地上的美丽风景,离他们的城镇如此之近,激发了一群人在 Revelstoke(雷夫尔斯托克)在 1914年游说建立国家公园。
与此同时,滑雪作为一项受欢迎的活动正蓬勃发展。Mount Revelstoke(雷夫尔斯托克山)滑雪跳台是加拿大最早的滑雪跳台之一,也是世界上最优秀的天然跳台之一。这里创造了几项跳台滑雪的世界纪录。

Mount Revelstoke National Park 快讯
加拿大的第八个国家公园,建于 1914 年。
公园由 260 平方公里的高山、冰川、高山湖泊、苔原和深谷组成。
Mount Revelstoke(雷夫尔斯托克山)位于 Montane Cordillera Ecozone(科迪勒拉山区生态交界带)。
更多信息请访问Mount Revelstoke National Park

TripAdvisor® Traveler Reviews
4.5 based on 484 reviews
“Beautiful Canadian park”
Beautiful Canadian park
November 11, 2023, by CloudYeah
Beautiful place, as usual in Canada a great spot for nature lovers. Can be combined eg with Glacier National Park and Yoho National Park.
“Nice hike to Eva Lake and Miller Lake”
Nice hike to Eva Lake and Miller Lake
September 03, 2023, by Mervyn S
Was a nice hike to Eva Lake and Miller Lake, there were also some flowers in the meadows blooming. Very few hikers including us made the effort to include Jade Lake in this hike, this short branch...
“Amazing panoramic views”
Amazing panoramic views
June 23, 2023, by Ady_JD
Fantastic national park. You have to pay for a pass to enter, minimum a day pass. Long drive to car park at top (40 minutes) rewards you with stunning views , a range of hikes of different distances...